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#  210Po and 210Pb Aerosols 
#  PI: J. Kirk Cochran
#  Co-PI: David Kadko
#  Version date (v1): 2022-08-17
GEOTRC_SAMPNO  Start_ISO_DateTime_UTC  End_ISO_DateTime_UTC  Start_Latitude  Start_Longitude  End_Latitude  End_Longitude  Air_Volume_Total  Po_210_A_T_CONC_HIVOL_ahlhpe  SD1_Po_210_A_T_CONC_HIVOL_ahlhpe  Flag_Po_210_A_T_CONC_HIVOL_ahlhpe  Pb_210_A_T_CONC_HIVOL_4bbtde  SD1_Pb_210_A_T_CONC_HIVOL_4bbtde  Flag_Pb_210_A_T_CONC_HIVOL_4bbtde  
14047          2018-10-25T18:55Z       2018-10-28T02:34Z     18.752          -154.899         17.500        -152.000       532.2             0.0002                        0.0117                            1                                  0.0833                        0.0040                            1                                  
14225          2018-10-28T02:58Z       2018-10-30T19:45Z     17.500          -152.000         11.000        -152.000       743.9             -0.0017                       0.0117                            1                                  0.0900                        0.0043                            1                                  
14502          2018-10-30T20:18Z       2018-11-03T18:48Z     11.000          -152.000         6.593         -152.000       733.3             -0.0005                       0.0050                            1                                  0.0283                        0.0016                            1                                  
14633          2018-11-03T19:32Z       2018-11-05T19:08Z     6.454           -152.000         4.997         -152.000       680.9             -0.0133                       0.0100                            1                                  0.0767                        0.0038                            1                                  
14782          2018-11-05T19:38Z       2018-11-08T01:17Z     4.988           -152.000         1.914         -152.000       797.3             0.0050                        0.0100                            1                                  0.0667                        0.0031                            1                                  
14962          2018-11-08T01:51Z       2018-11-10T16:23Z     1.831           -152.000         -1.000        -152.000       887.8             -0.0100                       0.0183                            1                                  0.1217                        0.0067                            1                                  
15155          2018-11-10T16:58Z       2018-11-13T03:44Z     -1.120          -152.000         -5.000        -152.000       703.2             0.0033                        0.0150                            1                                  0.1008                        0.0056                            1                                  
15316          2018-11-13T04:21Z       2018-11-15T20:57Z     -5.000          -152.000         -10.500       -152.000       815               -0.0003                       0.0100                            1                                  0.0641                        0.0036                            1                                  
15652          2018-11-15T21:21Z       2018-11-19T20:52Z     -10.500         -152.000         -14.999       -151.998       793.3             0.0192                        0.0050                            1                                  0.0283                        0.0015                            1                                  
15810          2018-11-19T21:24Z       2018-11-22T15:43Z     -14.999         -151.998         -20.000       -152.000       935.2             0.0017                        0.0067                            1                                  0.0540                        0.0026                            1                                  
15852          2018-11-22T16:07Z       2018-11-23T21:51Z     -20.000         -152.000         -19.201       -151.238       459.3             -0.0117                       0.0083                            1                                  0.0667                        0.0035                            1